Monday, April 22, 2013


April 21, 2013

Trying to wake Travis up this morning was a task! His phone didn't have any service again so this time I sent him 20 texts back to back and they all came through when he moved his phone to turn the alarm off. At least that woke him up. I slept in after that and ended up sleeping past being able to tell JP bye before he left for orientation for his new company. I finally woke up around ten, took a long hot shower and got ready to go to my Mom's for the day. 

Travis called as I was about to walk in her door. He was all excited because he parallel parked the truck on his first try. I was so proud and amazed because I can barely parallel park a car! He also said he was somewhat nervous about this week because the instructor he will have is known for being a dick. I did my best to reassure him and told him to just kill him with kindness to which he replied "It wont be the first time I've had to bite my tongue here." I went inside and Mom and Joseph said hey to him before he had to get back to class. 

First Mom, Joseph and I went to Publix to get the last few things we needed for our pigout movie day. We did our shopping and got to try a million free samples, Publix always has awesome samples. We picked Argo at Redbox and headed back to the house to cook. The Farmer's Market Grilled Cheese turned out to be very easy and incredibly delicious! They only took about twenty minutes from start to finish to prepare.

We watched the movie and ate our delicious sandwiches. I can see why the movie won so many awards it was awesome! We also had some cheese and pears and made cheese trays to share after the sandwiches. We had three different types of cheese, some pear and some crackers. Like I said it was a pig out day. Joseph also made a raspberry frozen yogurt dessert which was so tasty. The only thing that would have made the pigout day more complete would be if Travis had been there!

Robert wasn't able to come look at my car so I went home before dark just in case. I called my father in law and asked him to come take a look at it after church. It turned out that when I got my oil changed last Tuesday they took the old oil out but never put new in so I had almost no oil in the car. I went to the store and put a quart in so I could get to work tomorrow and planned to go get my money back and then get it fixed somewhere. It was frustrating beyond belief! Two tips: Never get any work done at Precision Auto and always have a backup plan or two just in case your family can't look at your car right away! They may come look at it but it may be too late. If I had driven one more day I'm sure my engine would have locked up.

When I got home I was just plain worn out but I decided to make this grape salad that I had found on Pinterest. Boy am I glad I did because it is awesome! I ate a bowl of it and went to bed. I called Travis to say goodnight but he couldn't talk long since it was so cold out. I went ahead and told him about the car situation now that I had a sure plan of what to do. He was thankful that I waited to tell him until the worry part was over and so was I. It was nice to say hey this is what happened and how about a round of applause because I got through it without a major freak out!!! Well it's off to bed for me, have an early start tomorrow!


  1. I really enjoyed our day as well!! That grape salad looks delicious! Love you!

  2. It was an awesome day and I will make more for y'all to try!
