Thursday, April 18, 2013

Keep Calm

April 17, 2013

Today started out with a great vibe, I went to the bathroom after waking up and my sweet sister-in-law Beth had written me a note saying have a good day! She put it right in front of the mirror so I saw it first thing! After that I called Travis to wake him up and wished him good luck on his test. It was a good way to get my day started!

I ended up getting to work fifteen minutes early today, I think I was trying to make the day go faster because all I wanted to know was how he did on his combinations test. It worked out for the best that I was early because the new girl I was training at work today was pulling in at the same time as me today. With showing her how to do everything it took a little longer to open so we ended up getting done right on time. Now don't get me wrong, I like the girl but training is no fun! I felt like the day went by so slow and I was going to go crazy! I had to let her do as much of the job as she could with me just standing there telling her how! It gave me way too much time to wonder how Travis was and how his test went. I kept checking my phone all day. She did let me vent to her so that was a blessing!

The day finally ended so I ran some errands around town and even ran into my Mom at Walgreens. Stopped to chat with her for a little while which was nice. I came home and Beth had cooked enough dinner that I could eat with them so I didn't even have to cook. That was a great surprise because I still hadn't heard from Travis about his test. I knew in my head that no news was good news because it meant that he was still in school but I couldn't help but wonder! I thought I was going to go crazy! I decided to play with Zoe for a little bit to calm my nerves and she was so cuddly. I was petting her and loving on her and I guess she really liked it because she drooled on me, which she had never done before!

After the Zoe cuddles it was time for dinner which was a very random but yummy meal! Chatting and eating with Beth helped ease my mind a lot and I knew it would be any minute before I got the call I had been anxiously awaiting all day.

Then he called, and I could tell just by the tone of his voice that it was good news. I was so excited and anxious I could hardly wait. He passed with flying colors and got a 100! I was so proud, I just loved hearing him so happy after him sounding so stressed last night. He also passed his temporary permit test for Indiana which he had to get since he is from out of state. He didn't do too well on the other two tests today and has to retake them tomorrow. I was much more prepared for that turn of events and there isn't as much urgency on these tests. He studied all night again tonight and when he called to say goodnight he said the studying was working. He called it a night early to get some good rest and I am doing the same.

All in all what today was pretty good, although a little stressful. I know my baby will do good his tests tomorrow and I am so proud of how he did today! Now to go cuddle up with Zoe and get some much needed sleep.

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