Thursday, April 25, 2013

Disney Princess

April 24, 2013

Today was a weird day. It was strange to have to go to work at nine instead of my usual six. That threw off my whole morning. I got ready slowly, I think I had too much sleep on Tuesday night so I was tired. I made sure I had enough time to check my oil before going.

I got to work right on time and was immediately bombarded with questions from the two girls working up front. It is getting so frustrating to have to tell them things so many times! The fact that they are both still new is causing problems between them and the kitchen. They keep making mistakes on the tickets and the kitchen had to remake it. I tried to keep the peace by giving some suggestions to them up front and that backfired like crazy!! One of them took it well but the other got all mad and huffed around until Jane got there and then proceeded to tattle on me. I assumed since I was the one who trained her in the first place that if she needed further training it would be ok to tell her how to do something. Jane disagreed. From this point on I'm not keeping the peace!!!

So now that my rant is done I can go on with the rest of my day. I updated Jane's computer and updated the catering photos on our Facebook and Website. Travis called while I was doing the computer stuff and told me about his day so far. He was nervous about his evaluation tomorrow. I knew he would do great and gave him some encouragement. He was excited that it would be done by another teacher and not Master Chief. 

I ended up having to do table service for a party of eight that came in. So I ended up getting five hours which was good since I was short on hours this week. As I was about to leave Jane asked me to come in at nine tomorrow also (I wasn't supposed to come in until five) so that meant that I would actually end up with overtime which is pretty awesome. It will make my paycheck look pretty good.

I went home and turned right back around to ride with Beth to get Wes. We decided to take the boys to the park for some play time. We had a blast feeding the geese and one duck. I had the one Mallard duck eating out of my hand so that was cool! The boys even got in the lake a little bit. They had to ride home in their underwear and they thought that was hilarious. 

We got home and I had a microwave meal for dinner. I played Facebook games and goofed off all night. I got in some good cuddle/play time with Zoe before talking to Travis. She was being super loving! I didn't get to talk to Travis long because he had homework but we did text a lot tonight so that was fun! But now I'm going to bed since I have to be at work earlier than expected. Here is a video of sweet Zoe being crazy!

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