Today my husband Travis and I took the first step in our journey of Trucker and Truckers Wife. We (me, his brother and my sister-in-law) drove him to the bus station to catch his 2:55 am bus to the CDL school Indiana. It was one of the hardest things we have had to do together to say that first goodbye.
A little background story of Travis and I for those who don't know us is that we have been together for nearly three years and married for one and a half. We moved in together after two months and have not been apart for more than one night since. I work in catering and up until two months ago he was a tow truck driver. We have a sweet little fur baby (cat) named Zoe and we are huge fans of WWE!
Us with Zoe
About a year ago we first started talking about him going to get his CDL but for different reasons and extenuating circumstances didn't go through with it then. He decided to go with towing and truly enjoyed his job but was laid off two months ago. His brother JP is an over the road (OTR) trucker and they had been back and forth since last years about Travis doing it as well. Travis wanted to but liked his job at the time so didn't want to leave and start a new venture. After he was laid off we truly started talking about it and decided this was the time to do it. We knew he loved driving for a living and we don't have any kids yet so it seemed like the best time and best thing for us! He took a week riding with his brother and loved it and it was settled!
Travis and his brother JP at the bus station
He tried to go to a local school but it didn't work out. After one too many setbacks with that school he decided to go with CR England in Indiana. Unfortunately that meant he wouldn't be home after school every night so we had to jump straight into the time apart. We dropped him off at the bus station in Charlotte, a very sketchy place at two in the morning! Having my brother and sister-in-law there was such a huge help! It was so surreal to say goodbye to my husband, the love of my life and my very best friend knowing that I would not see him for at the very least three months. As hard as it was I felt an overwhelming sense of love and comfort in knowing that he would make this sacrifice of not seeing me for so long to get a career which would provide a future for us and our future family. I am so thankful to have such an amazing husband!
Me and my Love
After dropping him off I slept, although not to well I must admit. I filled my day with busy work and chores as I anxiously awaited his calls at each stop and then the wonderful call that he had made it there! I loved hearing the excitement in his voice as he told me about his adventures on the bus and his hotel room and the few other students he had met. He told me that he was having White Castle for dinner which was exciting to both of us because we don't have White Castle in the south!
His bus pulling away
As I go to sleep tonight I'm excited to hear all of the stories of his first day of class tomorrow. It is cool to think that my heart now belongs to a trucker! Although the first goodbye was hard, it will help me through all the rest because I know it was the hardest! At least it was a memorable one! ;)
What a beautiful story!! Looking forward to more to come!