Sunday, April 21, 2013

Alley Docking

April 20, 2013

Started the day off with a very stressful wake up call. Travis's phone wasn't getting service in his room so I had to call about fifteen times to get through to him and wake him up. I went back to sleep since it was my day off! I woke up at eight to get ready before Robert, my brother, came to take a look at my car. Mom was staying the morning too so that she could see Robert. We made some coffee while we waited but tried to be very quiet since JP and Beth had just gotten back an hour before. They were trying to get some sleep before going to pick up the boys. Her Dad called her at eight thirty to go ahead and come get them even though she had only had about an hour of sleep! Poor thing!

Robert called to say he had gotten more yards to do and wouldn't make it by until later to look at my car. I cleaned up a little at home then Mom and I went to get Joseph and we went out to lunch. We decided to go to my work and hardly any of my coworkers recognized me with no makeup. Travis called on his lunch break as we were walking into the cafe. I chatted with him about his driving practice for that day. They were practicing alley docking. He said he got to do it four times. Tomorrow they are doing parallel parking. We didn't talk long because he was going back to practice more. I decided to try something off the grill which I had never tried, the Turkey Apple Cheddar Wrap. We enjoyed our lunch then took a drive so that I could show them the house I did the catering at last night. It was such a beautiful house I had to show it off!

We went back to the house and Randall decided to show Joseph all of his wrestling men, explain their names and show him how to play with them. It was so cute. Mom and I looked around on Pinterest to plan lunch for tomorrow. I am going to eat lunch and watch a movie with them in the afternoon. We decided to do a Farmer's Market Grilled Cheese. JP, Beth and the boys left to have a picnic and Mom, Joseph and I went to the store to get the groceries for tomorrow. 

I came home after the store and laid on my bed to play Ruzzle. The next thing I knew three hours had gone by! I guess I really needed a nap. I woke up with sweet Zoe at my feet all stretched out so she must have been tired too!

After I woke up JP was about to leave with Wes to pick up his bus ticket for tomorrow. I took Randall with me to the store and Travis called as we were pulling in the parking lot. He told me about the rest of his day and that he was going to study for the rest of the evening. He talked to Randall for a few minutes which was too sweet. We stopped at Cookout to get a burger on the way home. We got home and ate I worked on my blog and tried not to stay up too late after that long nap!

I talked to Travis one more time before he went to bed. I am still not used to the fact that I get about twenty minutes total of time to talk with him each day. It is so hard but it gets a little easier each day.

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