Thursday, May 2, 2013


May 1, 2013

I got through to Travis  pretty easily this morning. I wished him good luck and told him I was proud of him no matter what. I was able to go back to sleep for about an hour before I had to get up for work. I still felt horrible. I got myself ready and headed in to work.

The morning started pretty smooth. I was in the kitchen and it wasn't too busy. The new dishwasher had started yesterday and was scheduled to come back in today. There was a sizable pile of dishes from catering but nothing terrible. Beth (work Beth not my sister-in-law) even organized them so it didn't look so overwhelming.

I started doing the slicing and stabbed my hand with a pairing knife so that was a great way to start the day. We continued on with the breakfast rush and everything was going well. Me, Beth and Jaime went out for a break and the dishwasher came with us. He was telling us how he doesn't mind hard work but that was a lot of dishes. We told him that it's not always like that but when there is catering the night before there can be a lot of dishes. What we didn't tell him was that it can be a lot worse! 

We went on with the day and it was about time to switch over to lunch. Jane came out of her office saying did you guys know the dishwasher left. We hadn't even seen him leave! He left a note written on a napkin on Jane's desk. It said "Jane, I've caught up with the dishes. It's not worth it. People don't help."  I guess he was expecting someone to come hold his hand while someone else washed the dishes for him. Who knows. So that put a damper on our day. I spent the rest of the day on dishes, a job which I haven't done there so I didn't know where some things went and didn't really know all the procedures but I made it through. I had to tape a glove to my hand so I wouldn't get my cut all dirty. It sure was a fun shift. Not.

Around noon Travis let me know that he hadn't passed his test again. This time he hit a curb. I tried to take the time to let him know that it was ok and I wasn't disappointed I just wanted him to be ok. He said he gets to retake it again tomorrow so that was good at least they aren't sending him home.

I ran a few errands after work and headed home. The boys wanted me to play wrestling theme songs while they played with their "men" (that's what they call their wrestling action figures). We did three songs and they loved it. They get a kick out of taking turns to pick who they listen to next. They think I'm so cool for having all the wrestling stuff even though its almost all Travis stuff!

I went and got Taco Bell for dinner because I so didn't feel like cooking. While I was out Travis called so I talked to him for a little while. I miss him more and more each day! It's so hard to only talk to him for a less than twenty minutes a day! If you are looking into doing this go ahead and prepare yourself for that because it's one of the hardest parts!

After I got home and ate Beth and I had Zoe and Izzie out together to get used to each other. We figured we would do one at a time while the boys were asleep so it wouldn't be too overwhelming. Overall it went well. Izzie puffed up at Zoe a few times and Zoe tried to pop at Izzie but didn't use her claws. Most of the time was spent with Zoe following Izzie around and she had the cutest curious face! Bed time came early tonight though! I went in to sleep at ten! Night night!

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